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Skovbakken Restaurant og Festlokaler
Restaurant Skovbakken is a restaurant that prioritizes quality and we are doing everything ranging from the classic cuisine to the more creative and French-inspired cuisine. The restaurant was built at the end of the 19 century and has had a tradition of holding various kinds of parties, concerts and jazz evenings over the years. The restaurant was rebuilt as an imitation of the old Vivex in Copenhagen, which was then known as an old party form from the earliest part of the last century. It was big parties with musicians and where the ladies got her hair especially for the evening. Restaurant and a big piece of land down to Odense River was then owned by Christian Jensen. He had for years raised pheasants, chickens and pigeons in his backyard. Interest in his animals was very great, and he decided to try to open an animal park. The first animals in it were two monkeys, a peacock, a deer, a mule, a number of birds and some guinea pigs. The first day Odense Dyrehave had an impressive attendance of not less than 5620 guests. He opened his Dyrhave first time on Prayer Day 1930th.
Meta Keywords
brunch,festlokaler,mad ud af huset,mødelokaler,selskabslokaler
Date added
Saturday 10, 2015
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